We are so fortunate and incredibly blessed that we have another upcoming Disney vacation in a couple of weeks and as the weeks are getting closer, we cannot wait for it to begin! We've been planning our Disney cruise for almost 10 months with the decision made last fall to go on the Disney Wonder to Alaska. We are going with a group of 25 people in total as a part of a multi-generation family reunion, dubbed "Tsang Yeung Family Reunion 2014"! 25 people, 8 families and 8 kids under the age of 8.....epic family reunion! |

What is a Fish Extender?? If you go online and look, you will find a plethora of Disney cruise forums, groups and lots of online communities devoted to Disney and Disney Cruises. There are specific online communities dedicated to each Disney cruise, specific to the location and the week of sail. You can find your sail date cruise on www.disboards.com and on Facebook if you search your cruise for the week and destination. Find your cruise and join the online community and you can interact with others who will be sailing with you on the same cruise. It's a great way to meet new people onboard and have fun interacting with each other before your trip! A Fish Extender group takes this a step further where participants can "opt in" and participate in a Fish Extender Gift Exchange with whoever wishes to participate. Usually someone will volunteer to organize and arrange the group details. You submit your cabin number (if known) and the names and ages of those in the cabin. For those who have chosen to participate in Fish Extender group, everyone buys or makes little gifts or crafts for those in the cabin. It's kind of like a "Secret Santa" exchange for all the participants. The gifts themselves do not have to be anything extravagant. There are lots of great ideas on Pinterest and Etsy for ideas. Crafty individuals make little souvenir items like key chains, hand sanitizer, personalized gifts or gifts with the cruise dates, etc.

We have decided to go as "The Incredibles" family and have created our costumes for our upcoming party!